Easy Guide

  • 1. Input your preference in each fields. (Scroll down for other fields)

    An independence
  • 2. Input your preference in each fields. (Scroll down for other fields)

    An independence
  • 3. Click "Next" button after entering in all required fields.

    An independence
  • 4. Click "Send" button after checking entered info is ok.

    An independence
  • 5. You will receive an email from shop so, please go to check your email account.

    An independence
  • 1. Input your preference in each fields, and click "Next" to confirming step.

    An independence
  • 2. Click "Send" if entered data is all correct.

    An independence
  • 3. You will receive email shortly so, please check your email account. Open your portal page from a link (URL) in email.

    An independence
  • 4. Information about your request is in your portal to manage.

    An independence
  • 5. New email will be sent from cast coordinators. Please access to your portal from the link in eamil when you get new notifications.

    An independence
  • 6. Newest status of reservation/access to suggestion which sent by coordinators will be in the Top of your portal.

    An independence
  • 7. You can see outline of arrangement. Click "Detail" to show more.

    An independence
  • 8. Click "Book in this condition" if you would like to book with the condition. Also you can send additional request.

    An independence
  • 9. Please wait for a while to get booking confirmation email from shop. Jump to your portal again from email.

    An independence
  • 10. Your reservation is successfully confirmed with status "Reservation CONFIRMED".

    An independence
  • 11. Please use "Message Box" to chat with shop crew after reservation is confirmed.

    An independence